
Guess Who's Over the Hill??????

Yes. It's true. Tiffany has made the Grand Exit of her Twenties....and entered the world of "middle-age" (or at least we can tell her that's where she is!!).
We celebrated in several different ways: Josiah took her to breakfast (alone) today. I took her to lunch (alone). The boys took her to play "lazar tag" this afternoon; then she came home and took a nap.
Tonight we brought out carrot cake and ice cream....and watched the American men's swim team win the Gold! What a fun day!!!
Here is the family....with Thirty-Year-Old parents!!!
L to R below:
Josiah, Presley (4), Ethan (11), Kellen (8), Tiff (well, you know), Laz (8 mos.) and Tarin (7).

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