

so........we have sold the house we were all living in and moved to a rent house. The move was to take place last Saturday.....and wouldn't you know it, I got sick with the flu and was in bed all day Friday. No opportunity to pack all those "immediate-use" things so you will know where to find your toothbrush the next morning, etc.
Saturday dawned, and feeling better, I arose determined to "lay-low" and not over-do it. Strangers----literally----from our church appeared at the door ready to help....and did so for about 7 hours!
At one point I was feeling so poorly that I melted in tears when I could not find my 'medications' (herbs)....so Chandler just said, "Here, go buy more!" My dear friend, Suzanne, put me in the car and ushered me to the Vitamin Store and then to lunch. (what are good friends for??----praise the Lord for her!)
Late in the afternoon neighbors began to gather outside to meet us and we found out that the former tenant had THREE CATS and a dog! Well, if you know me at all you know that I am highly allergic to cats.....
I had suspicioned this a couple of days before when I would come over to the house to paint...and go home with a runny nose....but nothing could have prepared me for the evening that was ahead. By nightfall I was itching and sneezing and coughing.......and by Sunday I was worse than I had been on Friday. The cat dander had exacerbated the flu and it all returned with a vengeance! Chills, fever, coughing, aching, headache.....and now I can't breathe. I sent Chandler out for Benedril and that proved to be the worst thing ever! Now....not only am I miserable, but I'm drowsy (even though I only took the children's Benedril). "Oh," but you say, "at least you could sleep." -----but sleep was my enemy since my head was now so dried up that that every pain was magnified!
Okay. So I survived Sunday (barely). On Monday I was coughing more and still experiencing that "cat-dander-I-can't-breathe" syndrome.....so I had Chandler take me back to Vitamin Cottage to get "Bio-Allers" for cat dander allergies. Let me insert another note here: Tiffany had been called out Sunday night to do a birth (she's a Doula = birth coach).....and was gone all night and didn't arrive back home until 6:00 am Monday morning.....at which point she went to bed. Josiah left early for work. Chandler left early for work. So when I got up around 8:00, I made my way upstairs to the kitchen and found that a Tornado had ripped thru the place. Picture this: boxes from the move EVERYWHERE. paper plates, cups, pizza boxes, left-over noodle casserole, etc....and the list goes on. I could barely walk from being so weak but I decided that the least I could do was gather the trash. I GATHERED THREE BAGS OF TRASH!!!---just out of the kitchen alone! I scooted boxes to the side and literally made a path where we could walk! We couldn't find the coffee pot, the blender (for my morning protein shake).....still can't find any dish detergent. Josiah's mom came later in the morning and took the boys home with her to give us some relief. I thought I would sleep most of the day but began to sift through some boxes looking for 'treasures'---like coffee pots and blenders1 (I finally found them too!!) When Chandler came home he suddenly needed his office set up so he could do his reports for work.....so we accomplished carving out a small spot in our 'basement apartment' for him. By the time we made that trip to Vitamin Cottage around 6:00 I was so weak I didn't know if I were going to be able to make it through the store! (he said he could carry me---he had carried furniture and boxes that weighed more than me over the weekend!)

It's 4:23 A.M. - Tuesday.
I awoke at 2:00 A.M.-----all stopped-up again. Can't sleep. Can't breathe.....and wondering what today will hold. A new adventure, I'm sure.

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