
Mount Falcon Park

So, today's hike was thru just a portion of
Mount Falcon Park.
Again, we walked 3 hours
---which was 6000 steps!
(we have a counter!)

Parmalee Trail is just ONE of the paths in
Mt. Falcon Park.

If you want to feel should know that
we were joined by Phyllis today.
She has been hiking these trails for over 25 years...
and she is over 70 years and trim...
energetic and very knowledgable about the forest.

Pretty soon and I'll be an ol' Pro!!!


Pamela (who wasn't with us this week)
calls this a "water feature"!!!

Sometimes it's good to consult a map of the area!
Not that we are just tells us where we
are and how much farther we have to go!

On this mountain ---even though we felt completely away
from civilization---
we found houses all throughout the woods!

Here is a view of the highway we took to get here.
(it's Hwy. 285 ---just like the one in Atlanta!)

Phyllis, Me, Suzanne

This house was right on the very top of a mountain!

Near the end, our trail turned into a "meadow".

Again, we always seem to find majestic views of
Mt. Evans!!
One day we will be hiking near there
...but not until it opens!
(it's closed for the snow season!)

I don't know how much of this you can read, but it
tells about a forest fire that took place
in 1989.
Now look at what it looks like years later....

The forest still has not recovered in the burned area.

Photogenic Phyllis!!

We found this "perch" at the top of the mountain.

It has a nice rock walkway~

~and a picnic shelter!

Hike is over.....hunger is raging......lunch at
The Country Road Cafe in Kittridge, Colorado!!
(can you find it on a map?)

The Fearless Four!!
OH....I forgot to tell you what our group name is:
FOX = Friends Out Exploring!

I will leave you with one of the last 'sights' we saw today.
It was when I ventured off the path about 20 feet to look just
over a ridge.
Hmmm....what do YOU think this is??

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

You should sign up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day the way you are walking every week! I am jealous of all the beautiful scenery !!